It has been a great year here at John Pujajangka-Piyirn Mulan. There has been lots of learning and lots of fun. We have been able to celebrate First Holy Communion and Confirmation with some our Senior students. We have had excursions out on country and of course lots of fun swimming at the Balgo swimming pool.
I am proud of everyone for doing their best in a year that has challenged us. A special thank you to Mr Wilder, Miss Sue, Miss Kim and Mr Greg who are moving on in 2021. We wish them luck in their future endeavours. Thank you to our wonderful Aboriginal Teaching Assistants Miss Meagan and Miss Jessica for all their help this year.
Thank you to all the parents for their efforts to send their kids to school, our attendance has been fantastic in Semester Two. We will see you all on February 1st 2021 happy and ready to learn. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Take care and God Bless
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100% Attenders on NAIDOC Day
Primary A •
Miss Mary Mack, Incy Wincy Spider, Five Little Ducks and Old MacDonald had a Farm have been visiting Primary A this term which has been very exciting. We have loved learning these songs and acting them out with actions. We have been learning our numbers 1-5, our shapes, triangles, squares, rectangles, circles and colours.
We love Chooseday (Tuesday) making play dough and taking turns to pick our favourite colour, we all love Miss Meagan’s aqua colour the best. We spent time learning about Baptism and Advent in Religion this term. Getting ready for Christmas is very exciting, we are making our very own Christmas tree with our hands, straw splashing Christmas wreaths and adding decorations, Nativity scenes, Christmas Baubles and Santa coming out of a chimney.
In Huff and Puff we played the Ruckman’s treasure and worked on improving our skipping skills. We all enjoy listening to stories, especially Ten Little Princesses, Ten Little Monsters, Ten Little Dinosaurs, Ten Little Pirates, Ten Little Superheros and one of our favourite stories was Dear Zoo!
Miss Sue has loved teaching Primary A this term and wishes you all a Wonderful Christmas and a fantastic 2021.
Practicing our cutting!
Primary B •
We are Family! This term in Primary B, we have been learning about the history of families. This has included looking at different types of families, making family trees and discovering how families have changed over time.
In Literacy we have been reading about the adventures of Hairy McLary, Slinky Malinki and Scarface Claw. On Friday mornings we create art that is related to these stories. You can see our Slinky Malinki and Hairy Maclary creations hanging up in our classroom. Recently we have also been reading a range of wonderful Christmas stories and creating Christmas decorations to hang in our classroom for the season of Advent.
In Maths we have been learning how to solve addition and subtraction problems using pictures, objects, number lines and number sentences. We have also began learning about Australian coins. We are working hard on describing the different coins and placing them in order from the smallest value to the largest.
We have also been learning about Aussie Rules Football during Huff ‘n’ Puff. We have been practicing our kicking, handballing and ball recovery as well as playing some fun games such as Ruckman’s treasure and Don’t Wake the Giant.
Mr Wilder
Senior Class •
This term in the Senior Class we have been working hard and having lots of fun. The students will be bringing home all their hard work this week for their families to see.
We have been learning how to write narratives and have we have created a narrative as a whole class. We then wrote and published our own narratives. There was some very interesting, inspiring and sometimes tragic tales. All the students have been working hard on their reading and they have made some great achievements made this year. Special congratulations to Joharnie for achieving Level 30 and Kaidon for reaching his goal of Level 12.
We have been learning how to multiply numbers in our Maths lessons, and we had great fun looking for arrays in our school and then creating an ARRAY-ZING city in our classroom. We have been learning about what we should do when we are online and how it can leave a digital footprint. We have been learning about how to work as a team in our Sport lessons.
This term we investigated the history of Mulan and it's people and answered the question 'Why is it important to learn about the history of Mulan and the people who live here?' We had a great time visiting Lake Gregory with Lulu, KL, Meagan and Jessica. We loved having Lulu and KL in our classroom to talk about life at the Old Balgo Mission and to create painitings of Mulan's dreaming stories.
We have had so much fun in all our lessons this term and we look forward to working hard next year with our new teacher!
Thankyou for all the memories we have been able to share over the past two years and I look forward to seeing everyone again in the future.
Goodbye and God Bless
Miss Kim
Working Hard on Our Arrays
Swimming Carnival & NAIDOC Day •
Go Mulan GO!, Mulan is the best, forget about the rest the children sang along the track driving over to Balgo on Friday, 20th November. JPP children travelled to Balgo Swimming Pool for our annual combined swimming carnival with Bililuna and Balgo schools. While Mulan school is the smallest of the desert schools, the cheers from the Mulan children were definitely the loudest cheering our competitors on in the pool. The Seniors swam very well and did us proud. Well done guys!
Primary B children enjoyed participating in the novelty events, these included diving between the teachers legs, finding the bobbing ping pongs and the fastest swimmer using the kickboard. We all enjoyed a sausage sizzle, sandwiches and fruit. Mr Wilder, Miss Kim, Mr Greg and Miss Sue drove us back to Mulan, but not a sound could be heard from the backseats, the swimming had made us all tired and we slept all the way. Who won you ask?....Mulan of course!!!
Miss Sue
We were able to celebrate NAIDOC this year in style! We had great fun doing Tennis Ball and Tennis Racket (a big version of Egg and Spoon!) races, Potato sack races, forwards and backward running races and so many more! We got our faces painted in traditional colours by Miss Sue, Mr Wilder and Miss Kim and watched some television shows in Walmajarri!
We had a great time playing with bubbles and we saved the best for last! A slip 'n slide and a paddling pool. We had a great time doing all our fun activities and we also learnt about the Aboriginal flag and it's importance in government! We went home with a delicious sausage sizzle cooked by Miss Juliet.
Miss Kim
Gospel Reading •
"But the angel said to them,
"Do not be afraid.
I bring you good news
that will cause
great joy
for all the people"
Luke 2:10
Upcoming Events •